Since autumn 2020, the Deutschlandstiftung Integration has been working together with the non-profit association InteGREATer e.V.. Both organizations work to promote diversity and equal opportunities for people with a migration biography in Germany. The volunteers, who are between 18 and 32 years old, explain the German education system to pupils and parents and provide information about training opportunities after leaving school. This is particularly important for young adults who cannot fall back on the experience of their own parents because their career was contested abroad.
According to the motto "If we can do it, you can do it!" our so-called InteGREATers visit public schools, cultural centres or religious institutions and tell their personal story from school to training or university. The aim is to empower for education and through an authentic description of personal obstacles but also successes to show how important education is and how many opportunities the education system in Germany offers.
In addition to the association's headquarters in Berlin, InteGREATer e.V. is made up of several regional groups throughout Germany. Volunteers are active in Berlin, Bonn, Frankfurt, Göttingen, Cologne and Hamburg.
The activities are varied and range from public relations on social media channels, the organization and implementation of school events to the acquisition of new volunteers. However, the main task of every InteGREATer is to inform, educate and motivate students with the help of their own biography.
There are almost no prerequisites or competencies that one has to bring along. Basically, we would like to invite all young people between the ages of 18 and 32 with a migration background to get involved with InteGREATer e.V. and tell us about their own success stories.
Interested parties should note that we want to cultivate an empathetic and tolerant approach to young people that is not intended to unsettle or overwhelm. Rather, it is about a trusting and respectful exchange. And, honorary office is also an office - motivation and reliability are of great concern to us.
The application for an honorary office is done via
our website.
After filling out the application form and sending in a CV, the regional group will contact you and arrange a meeting to get to know each other.