Potted plants/room plants

In-kind donation request

Hagenower Ring 47-49, 13059 Berlin

Information about the request


We are looking for houseplants for our common and office spaces.

Non-profit organisation

mitHilfe GmbH - Gemeinschaftsunterkunft Hagenower Ring

Still required


Mode of transport

A volunteer will drop off the donation

You have a matching offer for this donation request? Great! Simply get in touch with the organisation to let them know what you can contribute and how much of it!

Contact NPO

About the Non-Profit Organisation

mitHilfe GmbH - Gemeinschaftsunterkunft Hagenower Ring

mitHilfe GmbH is a non-profit, independent provider of social services and help for refugees in Berlin. We offer advice, support and assistance for people who are threatened by homelessness or who have already lost their homes. We also run shelters for refugees in order to create perspectives, promote integration and shape diversity together.

Since 2015, mitHilfe has been involved in the care of refugees. We use our competence and experience in social work in Berlin to help shape diversity together and to offer people a first place to stay, information, advice and support after their flight.

Since July 2017, mitHilfe GmbH has been operating the community accommodation in modular construction for refugees in the Hagenower Ring in the Berlin district of Lichtenberg-Hohenschönhausen. The facility offers space for 300 people.

More about the organisation