In-kind donation request

Charging cables, chargers and powerbanks

Kirchort St. Joseph - Ukrainehilfe - Marburger Str. 87, 34127 Kassel

Information about the request


The collection of charging cables, chargers and Powerbanks is important. The requests from Ukraine in the winter are still there.

No light, no refrigerator, no cell phone: but this is a reality every day for many people living in Ukraine at war. Millions of people are affected by power outages. In some areas, there is no electricity at all.
To ensure that at least cell phones and other devices can be recharged, we are collecting powerbanks for Ukrainian people.

Non-profit organisation

Malteser Hilfsdienst e.V. - Kassel / Nordhessen

Still required


Mode of transport

By mail/parcel service (postage paid by donor)
A volunteer will drop off the donation

You have a matching offer for this donation request? Great! Simply get in touch with the organisation to let them know what you can contribute and how much of it!

Contact NPO

About the Non-Profit Organisation

Malteser Hilfsdienst e.V. - Kassel / Nordhessen

Voluntary service and volunteering for people in need. Faith and helping in the tradition of the Order of Malteser still relevant today.

More about the organisation