In-kind donation request

Book donation for children

Schwalbenweg 17/18, 12526 Berlin

Information about the request


We are looking for books for children (toddlers, schoolchildren) in the following mother tongues for the Schönefeld initial reception center: Turkish, Farsi and Georgian. A small library will be organized where each person can borrow books in their mother tongue. The parents would like to have storybooks that they can read to their small children.

We are happy to receive donations, which can either be sent by post or handed in directly at the shelter.

Thank you very much!

Non-profit organisation

Volkssolidarität Berlin e.V. - Erstaufnahmeeinrichtung Schwalbenweg

Still required


Mode of transport

By mail/parcel service (postage paid by donor)
A volunteer will drop off the donation

You have a matching offer for this donation request? Great! Simply get in touch with the organisation to let them know what you can contribute and how much of it!

Contact NPO

About the Non-Profit Organisation

Volkssolidarität Berlin e.V. - Erstaufnahmeeinrichtung Schwalbenweg

The Volkssolidarität is one of the large social and welfare associations in the Federal Republic and the largest in eastern Germany. At Schwalbenweg (S Grünbergalle) the Volkssolidarität operates a first reception facility. 

More about the organisation