The organisation KulturVERSTRICKUNGEN of Munich uses the universal cultural techniques of knitting, crocheting and sewing to connect citizens from all over the world living in Munich as well as residents of refugee emergency shelters. Regular knitting get-togethers in refugee shelters as well as "Joint-Knitting Actions" at cultural institutions in Munich and neighbourhood events etc. are all contexts that facilitate the discovery of similarities and the exchange of advice whilst crafting together. These activities shall reduce fears of encountering others and integrate migrants through joint activities. They do not only help refugee women to "arrive", to be recognized and to be taken seriously, but they also give them the opportunity to experience some happy moments during difficult times. Within one only year, an increasing number of (co-)knitters, also thanks to the participations in big events like the local Streetlife-Festival and the World Play Day, have been motivated to commit themselves to a more colorful city life. As of June 2016 we have set up our sewing room NÄHSTUBE at Lernwerkstatt/Halle36 at Bayernkaserne where we offer beginner sewing courses. Since the waiting list is long, in 2017 we want to create a "rolling sewing room" and offer needle work days in homes and shelters, schools and leisure centre once or twice a month. Many more activities and projects are planned for 2019. The First Lady of Munich, Mrs. Petra Reiter, is our patron.


Target group(s)

Wir sehen uns als multikulturelle Mehrgenerationenbespielung.

Founding year


Paid staff





Wir erhalten bisher noch keine Regelvergütungen. Sind daher also NUR auf Spenden, Fördergelder, etc. angewiesen.


Integration, Inklusion, Menschen, egal wen, zusammenbringen. Eine "gesunde" Gesellschaft mitbegründen.

Your support helps

hilft (hoffentlich) vielen !!!

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