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Bürgerstiftung Neukölln

In 2005 over 100 people founded in Neukölln the first neighbourhood community-foundation of Germany. They have united in order to encourage people for a new start. N+ is a community platform for the creation of a appreciative cooperation of which associations, church communities, house projects, initiatives, companies and individuals are taking part. The Bürgerstiftung Neukölln has been started a lot of projects and has been supporting different initiatives in Neukölln which are working for a better education, a diverse culture and mutual respect. In this way the vision of a intercultural city is taking shape.

About Bürgerstiftung Neukölln

Target group(s)

Unsere Zielgruppen sind in den verschiedenen Communities Neuköllns zu Hause: Ein besonderes Augenmerk liegt bei uns auf der Chancenförderung von Neuköllner Kinder-und Jugendlichen.

Founding year


Paid staff





Wir finanzieren uns vor allem über Spenden, Eigenmittel und in einzelnen Projekten auch über Fördermittel.

Our volunteering opportunities on

Bürgerstiftung Neukölln