Tubman Network

We are the Tubman Network, a coalition of Black organizations and individuals, supported by Bi_PoC individuals and white allies.

We have existed so far as an emergency response to Bi_PoC fleeing war in Ukraine but being left behind in all exspects of this humanitarian crisis.In Ukraine, all European countries and in the US they get the help they would need denied.

On the 28th February 2022 black and brown organizations as well as individuals decided to form our coalition so we can put this horror to an end. Bi_PoC and white volunteers joined us on this mission. Ever since then we provided 1300+ people who reached out for help with access to evacuations, shelter, medical treatment, food, clothes, hygiene products, psychological treatment, legal advice and a community.

About Tubman Network

Target group(s)

- People of African Descent

- Bi_PoC

- weiße Personen mit einer schwarzen Familie oder einem schwarzem Familienmitglied

Founding year


Paid staff





Wir sind auf Spenden angewiesen, suchen aber dringend nach Sponsor*innen.


- langfristige Unterkünftsmöglichkeiten für unsere Hilfesuchenden

- Bleibeperspektiven für Bi_PoC, die aus der Ukraine geflohen sind

- stabile und langfristige Strukturen mit ausreichenden Freiwilligen

- das Ende der rassistischen Praxis gegen Bi_PoC, die Schutz in Deutschland suchen

Your support helps

- Hbf team (greeting Bi_PoC who arrive at Berlin Hbf, providing them with Covid tests, handing out information to them about our organisation and essential ressources | no specific qualifications needed)

- drivers (driving our guests from Hbf to Dammweg 216 and from there to hosts, as well as proving especially vulnerable people with local lifts and helping us with transport of item donations | driver's liscense is needed) 

- Covid testing (testing guests and new volunteers for Covid | no specific qualifications needed)

- intake (greeting our guests, checking whether they have had a Covid test yet, explaining to them the procedure at Dammweg 216 | no specific qualifications needed)

- medical room (providing ppl with medical support | only a task for nurses, medicine students, doctors and paramedics)

- kitchen team (cooking and serving food to our guests & team, organizing and sorting food donations, washing the dishes and cleaning the kitchen | no specific qualifications needed)

- accommodation matching (finding suitable shelter for refugeed Bi_PoC and organizing the transport to the hosts | no specific qualifications needed)

- drivers coordination (having overview over where drivers are needed between Berlin Hbf, our location at Dammweg 216 and hosts | no specific qualifications needed )

- creative therapy (having an overview over mental health crisises, organizing therapists, providing our guest with mental health ressources | no specific qualifications needed)

- accountability processes (taking care of complaints and cases of violence | strong mental health needed)

- cleaning (cleaning our location at Dammweg 216 | no specific qualifications needed)


Our donation requests on vostel.de