ReDI School of Digital Integration Munich

ReDI Munich offers free technical education courses to newcomers to the city. We want to ensure that refugees, migrants and immigrants can integrate into German society and the job market.

About ReDI School of Digital Integration Munich

Target group(s)

We offer free courses for students with refugee, migration and immigration backgrounds. We also pay special attention to women and children.

Founding year


Paid staff



Our organization is financed through various channels. The state (Bavaria) and the city (Munich) fund some of our programs. Non-profit organizations like Digico also provide us with funding. ReDI Munich is also fortunate to be part of several public-private partnerships with large technology companies.


The ultimate goal of our organization is to close the digital literacy gap that still affects newcomers to Munich. Whether it's improving their personal or professional lives, the school and its volunteers work to improve students' computer skills to ensure they can easily integrate into their new home.

Your support helps

Your involvement supports newcomers who may not have had access to computers or technical training in the past. You will also support the acquisition of skills needed to improve their life and work prospects in Germany.

Our volunteering opportunities on