Sonay soziales Leben e.V.

Sonay means as much as: The point where end and beginning meet. This means that we initiate projects in which young people and senior citizens meet, exchange ideas and enrich each other.

About Sonay soziales Leben e.V.

Target group(s)

Some projects are aimed at young people and senior citizens, others at young people or at senior citizens.

Founding year


Paid staff





Our association is non-profit. It is financed by donations and project funds.


Our mission

We know that there is a lack of spaces in which young people can be themselves, try themselves out and be taken seriously. Senior*s are far too often alone and cannot contribute their many qualities to society.
That is why we accompany, support and empower young people on their path to adulthood and offer seniors a place where they are valued , supported and taken seriously. 

Our impact

We promote projects that encourage exchange, communication and cooperation between seniors and young people. 
In concrete terms, this means that we promote:
- pre-vocational offers for young people with seniors;
- recreational offers for seniors and young people;
- politically educational offers for seniors and young people and
- health-promoting offers for seniors with young people.
The focus of our work is always on the exchange between old and young. We value the special challenges of the two stages of life and create spaces in which everyone can contribute.

Your support helps

... the further development of our association work. You can help us to realize projects. You can also bring your own ideas into the association. 

Our volunteering opportunities on