Sozialdienst katholischer Frauen e.V. Berlin - "bärenstark ins Leben®" mit ehrenamtlichen Familienpaten

The project "bärenstark ins Leben" with volunteering family mentors of the Sozialdienstes katholischer Frauen e.V. Berlin (SkF) (social service of catholic women Berlin) is a preventive family mentorship project. The SkF is a professional women's association of the catholic church which supports women and families in need.
The family mentor gets from us a qualification to become a family mentor with a final certificate as well as a refunding of the travel expenses. She/he is also supported by our qualified volunteer coordinators who give professional advice.

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Sozialdienst katholischer Frauen e.V. Berlin - "bärenstark ins Leben®" mit ehrenamtlichen Familienpaten