Berlin Greeter

Berlin Greeters take visitors to Berlin on a walk (Greet) through Berlin. It's not about showing the well-known sights that you can find in any travel guide. Rather, the Berlin Greeter show their Berlin, their favorite places and hidden spots. Our Berlin Greeters and their personal stories are the sights to be discovered. All this in small groups (maximum 6 people) and on a voluntary basis. Come. Kiekste. Be amazed.

About Berlin Greeter

Target group(s)

All Berliners who love their city:
  • who want to share this love with Berlin visitors,
  • who are communicative, open and interested,
  • who want to tell their personal stories that connect them to Berlin,
  • who want to promote cultural exchange.

Founding year


Paid staff





Berlin Greeter is a voluntary project. We finance ourselves exclusively through donations. We use these donations to pay our annual membership fees for the IGA (International Greeter Association) and DGN (German Greeter Network), to print flyers or postcards, and the like. Travel to the annual Greeter Network meeting is paid for privately.


Our motto is: Come as a guest - go as a friend!
People come to Berlin from all over the world. Our Berlin Greeters give them the opportunity to get to know our city in a very special way.

Your support helps

...the exchange between strangers, who often become friends after a greet together.

Our volunteering opportunities on