We-Building e.V.

Every human being needs space to develop and the chance to lead a self-determined life.

Sustainable architecture and education can create such spaces and open doors for a more socially just future.

We-Building e.V. is an association of international architects based in Berlin.

We have two main focuses:

Consulting on building projects in the Global South

We support developmentally active organizations that pursue building projects in the Global South with consulting. Based on the experience gained from our construction projects, we pursue sustainable approaches to planning and implementation. In recent years, we have built educational facilities in Ghana, Malawi, Colombia and Peru with our local partners.

Education work in Germany

The construction sector is a key driver of climate change. With workshops and lectures at schools in Berlin and at public events, we create awareness for this problem and for the fact that construction as well as the use of buildings must be designed in a globally just way.

Because sustainable architecture and education can contribute to a socially, ecologically and economically more just future!

About We-Building e.V.

Target group(s)

On the one hand, our educational work is aimed at children and young people in elementary school and lower and upper secondary schools. On the other hand, we also offer courses for volunteers in climate protection initiatives and development policy organizations, multipliers, educators, social workers and volunteers in extracurricular institutions.

Our building projects are aimed at communities where children have little / no access to education. Here we want to create an open space and give everyone the chance to learn.

Founding year


Paid staff





We-Building is funded in two ways. Larger projects and our educational work are financed through foundations as well as government support. For our small day-to-day challenges, we use funds from self-organized actions, such as our stand at the Christmas market, but also private donations. 

We are particularly proud that with a lot of volunteer support, We-Building succeeds in bringing about significant changes in local communities. We have worked on several building projects in eight different countries, including Ghana, Peru and Colombia. A lot of volunteer effort also goes into all the behind-the-scenes work: keeping the office running, nurturing all the outreach channels, communicating with our partners and funders, mentoring our volunteers and freelancers - and, of course, organizing our summer and winter parties.


As a non-profit organization, our mission is to assist other non-profit organizations with their construction projects for disadvantaged communities. We contribute our expertise as architect:inside, offer consulting services, help with basic investigations as well as with planning tasks and can provide advice and assistance during all construction phases.

At the same time, we are active in educational work and want to create awareness for sustainable building in a global context in the educational landscape with workshops and projects. After all, how we live here has a global impact, and we want to make the next generation aware of the challenges of constructing and using buildings with a view to climate change, the environment, and social justice.

Your support helps

...Menschen Raum zur Entfaltung und die Chance auf ein selbstbestimmtes Leben zu geben. Durch nachhaltige Architektur und Bildung können wir solche Räume schaffen und Türen für eine sozial gerechtere Zukunft öffnen.

..., dass unsere Projekte umgesetzt werden können. Die Gelder , die du sammelst bilden zunächt die Grundlage zur Umsetzung unserer Projekte.

Our volunteering opportunities on vostel.de