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Verband für sozial-kulturelle Arbeit e.V.

The Social-Cultural Work Association e.V. is an umbrella organisation of associations that operates community-oriented and stimulates civic engagement. The work of these associations is usually based in a social center (neighborhood home, family center, community center, multi-generation house, etc.). The Association supports this work, promotes the development of existing and the creation of such associations and projects and facilitates the exchange of experiences among themselves and the connection with related institutions at home and abroad. The work of the association is committed to the principles of individual self-determination, personal freedom and humanity.

About Verband für sozial-kulturelle Arbeit e.V.

Founding year


Paid staff



Das Projekt Zeit der Solidarität wird ermöglicht durch eine Förderung der DKLB Stiftung Berlin.

Der VskA erhält außerdem Zuwendungen des Landes Berlin, SenIAS.

Verband für sozial-kulturelle Arbeit e.V.