Malteser Hilfsdienst e.V., Integrations- und Flüchtlingsarbeit

In Munich we have two projects: the Job Mentoring Program and that Empowerment Project for women!

In the job mentoring programme, refugees receive individual support in preparing application documents, using computers, learning the German language and challenging themselves at vocational school.

In the empowerment project for women we create bags with women from different countries. We develop a common logo and distribute the bags for donations in Munich. During the project the women receive various workshops and coaching.

About Malteser Hilfsdienst e.V., Integrations- und Flüchtlingsarbeit

Target group(s)

  1. Munich residents who want to volunteer for a good cause: with your donation of time you help people to make a social, societal and professional impact
  2. People with a flight- and migration background who live in Munich and need support




  • Malteser Job Mentoring is supported by the state and a foundation
  • The empowerment project is financed by the Federal Ministry of the Interior, Building and Homeland on the basis of a resolution of the German Bundestag



Malteser job mentoring:

We have made it our business to support refugees in their sustainable integration into the labour market in Munich. Our mentees receive support in developing their career aspirations, help to help themselves in their job search, and important skills such as computer and language skills.

Empowerment project:

Our goal is the empowerment of women with and without experience of flight and migration. We put this into practice by producing, designing and selling textile products. Together we create our own brand!

We believe that everyone has wonderful talents, strengths and skills. Even if some women are not aware of their own talents. In our project the participating women can discover and contribute their competences and gain new skills and knowledge.

The women are not only involved in the project by sewing and designing the textiles, but depending on their interests and skills they are also introduced to the areas of purchasing, price calculation, marketing and sales. For this purpose we have people who share their knowledge with us and offer regular workshops.

Your support helps

... a good living together in Munich, in all its diversity

... a person with a history of flight or migration when arriving in Germany and establishing an independent life in Germany

... the social and professional integration of new fellow citizens

Our volunteering opportunities on

Malteser Hilfsdienst e.V., Integrations- und Flüchtlingsarbeit