Technology café - help with problems with the Internet, computer and smartphone
Projekt "Mobile Stadtteilarbeit" vom Nachbarschaftsheim Schöneberg e.V.
- Migrants & Refugees
- Seniors
- Education & Language Support
- Equal Opportunities
- IT
About the volunteering opportunity
Your Tasks
What's needed
Time required
Important notice
Projekt "Mobile Stadtteilarbeit" vom Nachbarschaftsheim Schöneberg e.V.

"Lebendige Nachbarschaft" ("Lively Neighbourhood" Project)
Intercultural opening
Within the project "Lively Neighbourhood" (LeNa), the Nachbarschaftshaus Friedenau (Holsteinische Str. 30, 12161 Berlin) of the Nachbarschaftsheim Schöneberg e.V. offers the opportunity to become involved in voluntary work and brings together new and old Berliners.
Opportunity to get involved in voluntary work
There are already various groups and activities you can join, such as the Technic-C@fé, Intercultural Meeting for Men, multilingual Reading-Café, Garden Group "Kraut&Koriander", language café, becoming a mentor for new Berliners.
In addition to these offers, we organize excursions and activities where you can simply meet new people from the neighbourhood.