Support our gaming star in recreational activities in refugee shelters!
kein Abseits! e.V.
- Kids & Teenagers
- Migrants & Refugees
- Equal Opportunities
- Sports & Leisure Activities
About the volunteering opportunity
With our "Spiele-Star"-mobile, we create new places for recreational play and sports activities in close proximity to existing refugee accommodations in the district of Berlin-Reinickendorf. Our "Spiele-Star" play mobile has play, sports and creative materials. With this, unused, free spaces can quickly be transformed into a play and meeting space for children of different ages. Guided by pedagogues and trained volunteers, fears of contact between old and new neighbors are reduced through joint play and integrative encounters at eye level are made possible. The "Spiele-Star" thus promotes meaningful leisure time activities and a good starting point for new friendships and the building of trust in other offers of social institutions in the district. Both are essential for sustainable integration.
Your Tasks
We are always looking for volunteers who would like to support one of our weekly outreaches as child care workers. Under the guidance of a leader from the "kein Abseits!" team, you will supervise play and sports activities at refugee accommodations and can also contribute your own ideas and interests. In this way, you not only enable children to spend important time playing sports and games, but also contribute to more enriching encounters between people from different walks of life. If you would like to be a part of the Games Star, you can apply here.
What's needed
Everyone can get involved with kein Abseits! Patience and experience in dealing with kids from 5-15 years are of course very helpful. We look forward to your flexibility in dealing with unexpected situations, inventiveness for activities and a lot of positive energy and perseverance as well as a certain level of commitment! We also require an extended certificate of good conduct from all volunteers.
Time required
On five afternoons of the week, our 2-3 hour Game Star outreaches take place. We are looking for volunteers to support one of these outreaches each week. You can find the Game Star calendar here:
kein Abseits! e.V.
The non-profit association "kein Abseits! e.V." realizes integration and education projects since 2011. In cooperation with Berlin schools, universities and refugee homes, we pursue the goal of enabling integrative encounters. Local and refugee children and adolescents are individually and holistically supported in a combination of sports and experiential educational offers, 1: 1 mentoring and vocational orientation. Thus, the association contributes to more educational justice and a peaceful coexistence. The participants get to know possibilities of participation, improve their self-confidence as well as linguistic and social competences.