Wednesday Café - Food distribution to the people in need in Kreuzberg
youngcaritas Berlin
- Homeless People
- Hands-on Activities
- Poverty Reduction
About the volunteering opportunity
The "Wednesday Cafe "of the parish St. Marien Liebfrauen in Kreuzberg gives out food to people in need. We are looking for volunteers to support us: In preparing and serving the food (making sandwiches, cooking, preparing drinks) and in other organizational tasks. Let's like to make an appointment to get to know each other!
Your Tasks
Preparation and serving of food, recreational activities
What's needed
For this volunteering opportunity, intermediate German skills are required.
Time required
The Wednesday Café takes place weekly on Wednesday between 11:30 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., the respective working time can be arranged individually
youngcaritas Berlin

The youngcaritas Berlin belongs to the Caritasverband für das Erzbistum Berlin e.V. and promotes young people's commitment. Our goal is to introduce young people to politically and socially "explosive" topics and to teach them a more attentive and conscious use of environmental resources, both through theoretical input and through practical implementation. The goal of youngcaritas Berlin is to win as many young people as possible for voluntary work, be it for the youngcaritas projects "Kulturbuddys", *vergissmeinnicht* or through counselling and placement in various institutions and projects.