Take a photo of our stand at VeggieWorld Karlsruhe on October 12/13, 2024


Südweststadt, 76137 Karlsruhe, Baden-Württemberg
Basic German skills
Direct contact
  • Animal Welfare
  • Climate & Nature Protection
  • Photography & Video

About the volunteering opportunity

For Veggieworld Karlsruhe we are looking for passionate photographers, whether professional or private.

Your Tasks

If you have experience with taking and editing photos and have your own high quality photo equipment, you are perfect for this event!

We would be happy if you support us in taking photos at the VeggieWorld. We will be there with a booth, for which you will capture the conversations with the visitors with your camera, as well as our performances on stage.

As VeggieWorld also has its own photographer on site, it is not necessary to photograph the event itself.

What's needed

For this volunteering opportunity, basic German skills are required.

  • Experience with photography
  • Own high-quality photography equipment
  • Image editing
  • Reliability

Time required

On weekends, during the day
The fair will be held on 12th and 13th October 2024 and the amount of your assistance will be approximately 2-5 hours.

Important notice

For the day that you support us, you will of course receive a free day ticket to the fair. Information about the Corona hygiene measures as well as a general overview can be found here: https://veggieworld.eco/exhibition/veggieworld-market-karlsruhe-2024/



ProVeg is an international food organization that is committed to transforming the global food system. Through the non-governmental organization's commitment to plant-based and cultivated alternatives, conventional animal products are becoming superfluous.

ProVeg works with international decision-making bodies, governments, food producers, investor groups, the media and the general public to support the global transition to a society and economy that is less dependent on animal agriculture and more sustainable for people, animals and the planet.

Wherever possible, our strategy is based on empirical evidence. We strive to stay abreast of the latest research and adapt our strategic thinking and outreach accordingly. We evaluate all our activities to ensure that we are making the best use of our resources to achieve our goal.

More about the organisation
Südweststadt, 76137 Karlsruhe, Baden-Württemberg
Basic German skills
Direct contact
Südweststadt, 76137 Karlsruhe, Baden-Württemberg
Basic German skills
Direct contact