Tandem between refugees and locals in Essen
Start with a Friend e.V.
- Migrants & Refugees
- Education & Language Support
- Equal Opportunities
- Mentoring, Sponsoring & Career Coaching
- Sports & Leisure Activities
About the volunteering opportunity
The content and scope of a tandem partnership ranges from joint leisure activities to organizing a place in a daycare center to applying for a university degree. Some tandems simply spend their free time together. The locals create access for the immigrants to their living environment and activate their own networks, which promotes language acquisition and labor market entry in particular. In the same way, they open up their environment to the locals and reduce fear of contact and prejudices
What do I have to bring along as a local?
Anyone can become a tandem partner who is interested in exchange and wants to get to know new people. It is important to us that there is openness to learning from each other. Basically, everyone should plan for his tandem about two hours a week.
In addition to a tandem partnership, you can also engage in the volunteer teams local as a mediator, PR or events. Get in touch at: www.start-with-a-friend.de/mitmachen or here via vostel.com
Your Tasks
Start with a Friend connects refugees and locals in tandems based on interests and needs. Ideally, this leads to a friendship; in any case, it creates a social network that makes it easier for refugees to get started in Germany. Start with a Friend accompanies and advises the tandems after matching and organizes events to bring the tandems into contact with each other. It is also important to us to create structures in which people who are busy at work and with their families can also get involved. The time allocation is therefore flexible, further training courses take place, but are optional. So far, Start with a Friend exists in 21 cities nationwide.
What's needed
The specific activities will be arranged individually between you and your tandem partner! Start with a Friend wants to create exciting encounters and experiences everyone can profit from. We therefore meet with every participant personally and bring them together with others according to their interests, professional backgrounds, and needs.
Time required
It would be great if you had 2 to 3 hours a week for your tasks as a mentor.