AmtBuddy: Support refugees and migrants in dealing with authorities in Berlin

AmtBuddy (GoVolunteer e.V.)

Berlin, Berlin
Advanced German skills
Direct contact
  • Migrants & Refugees
  • Equal Opportunities
  • Mentoring, Sponsoring & Career Coaching
  • Organisation & Administration
  • Ukraine-Aid

About the volunteering opportunity

What is the project about?

In the "AmtBuddy" project, you can help refugees and migrants to further their professional training.

An important step is obtaining an "education voucher" from the authorities (Jobcenter/Federal Employment Agency).

Unfortunately, visits to the authorities are often unsuccessful for many of our participants due to language barriers, discrimination and cultural misunderstandings. We can easily change this together by accompanying people when they go to the authorities!

Your Tasks

How can you help?

As an AmtBuddy, you accompany a person to an appointment with the authorities and provide support with communication. In this way, you can help them to obtain an "education voucher".

It's easy and flexible: 

  • Register with us and we will add you to our pool of supporters alongside other dedicated helpers.
  • We will contact you when the next appointment with the authorities is due. If you have the time and inclination, we'll go to the office together.
  • Of course, you will receive all the important information before the appointment.
  • At the office, you will provide communication and moral support. Afterwards you give us a short feedback and that's it!
  • You can do the whole thing as often as you like. Once, twice - every contribution counts. Of course you can unsubscribe at any time.

What's needed

For this volunteering opportunity, advanced German skills are required.
What should you bring with you? 

  • During the week, during the day, a couple of hours every now and then
  • Very good knowledge of German
  • A level-headed presence at the office
  • Enjoy intercultural exchange
Be part of our AmtBuddy community and help improve the lives of refugees and migrants. We look forward to meeting you!

Time required

On weekdays, during the day
During the week, during the day, a couple of hours every now and then


AmtBuddy (GoVolunteer e.V.)

GoVolunteer is a Germany-wide volunteer community that facilitates encounters and exchanges through volunteer work. Our AmtBuddy program supports refugees and migrants in dealing with authorities and works to combat language barriers, discrimination and cultural misunderstandings.
More about the organisation
Berlin, Berlin
Advanced German skills
Direct contact
Berlin, Berlin
Advanced German skills
Direct contact