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A flooded city

Flooding in Germany: here’s how you can help

Heavy rainfall repeatedly causes flooding in Germany and Europe, most recently in southern Germany in June 2024 and currently in parts of eastern Europe and in eastern and southern Germany. Professional rescue teams and aid organizations are primarily responsible for providing safety and supplies on site. But private individuals are also constantly asking how they can help those affected. We provide an overview here.

How you can help people affected by flooding

    1. Support emergency services & aid organizations with a donation
    2. Learn what to do in the event of a disaster
    3. Get involved in civil protection and get trained

1. Support rescue workers & aid organizations with a donation

While the first impulse is often to lend a hand as a private individual, most aid and disaster relief organizations call for monetary donations instead. This is because it is crucial, especially at the beginning, that professional forces can bring people to safety and provide them with the essentials. Here you will find a range of donation options from various aid organizations.

Aktion Deutschland Hilft

Donations can be sent to various emergency and disaster relief projects here. These include the current flood disaster in Central and Eastern Europe as well as in Germany.

German Lifesaving Association (DLRG)

In emergency situations such as the current flooding, it is important to help quickly. The DRLG volunteers regularly train for emergencies. A donation supports them with the necessary equipment and materials.

German Red Cross

The German Red Cross is in close contact with its local partners during floods in Central and Eastern Europe and supports them where ever possible. With a donation you support their work on the ground.

Caritas International

Caritas also supports flood-affected people in the Czech Republic, Poland and Austria with food, repairs and other everyday necessities.


Diakonie’s disaster relief also supports people in disaster situations on the ground with the most important things. Donations can also be sent directly to the flood relief organization for Central and Eastern Europe or Germany.


In addition to providing acute help in the event of a flooding, Johanniter also provides medium and long-term local support for reconstruction.

2. Learn what to do in the event of a disaster

It is not only professional emergency services that need to know what to do und how to help in the event of flooding. The right behavior in the event of a disaster can also be crucial for private individuals. The German Federal Office of Civil Protection and Disaster Assistance (BBK) has compiled general informatioon basic rules in three phases on its website:

1. Before the flood: stay informed and take precautions

In regions that are particularly at risk of flooding, the Federal Office recommends two things: being well informed and taking precautions in the event of an emergency. The cross-state flood portal provides an overview of the current flood situation and advance warnings, while the NINA warning app can also provide timely warnings of hazardous situations. If flooding is imminent, the BBK lists a number of precautions that should be taken.

2. During a flooding: act prudently and help others

In the event of a disaster, it is particularly important to first of all stay calm and get an overview. The BKK provides a few helpful tips on which protective measures in the house or car will help you to protect your own belongings and yourself. You can also take part in rescuing other people, but always without putting yourself in danger!

3. After the flood: stocktaking and cleaning up

After the flooding waters have receded, there are also a number of things that should be considered when it comes to cleaning up the damage.

3. Get involved in civil protection and get trained

Due to the climate crisis, the probability of flooding events will continue to increase in the future. And with it the importance of civil protection, which is largely supported by volunteers. If you want to be prepared for the next flood and help directly, you can join over 1.7 million other Germans in volunteering in civil protection and also undergo training. Employers have to give you time off work for this and you benefit from a meaningful leisure activity together with other committed people.

Civil protection organizations
  • German Red Cross: Here you can train in various areas: Water rescue, mountain rescue, psychosocial emergency care, medical services or even with rescue dogs.

  • Volunteer fire department: By joining in your town, you will be prepared in the event of an emergency. Information on the areas of operation and requirements can be found via the link at the German Fire Brigade Association.

  • Johanniter: Training with Johanniter’s disaster relief can also include many options: ambulance service, care and supply, technology and logistics, rescue dog squadron or motorcycle squadron.

  • Technisches Hilfswerk (THW): At the THW, you can also train in disaster control in your local association and learn all about the typical THW equipment and tools. You can also specialize in one of the specialist groups.

  • Malteser: Malteser International provides comprehensive and qualified training to prepare you for your role as a paramedic, caregiver, medical assistant or telecommunicator in disaster control.

  • DLRG: Here you can get training in all aspects of water rescue: Lifeguard training, emergency diving or medical services are just some of the possibilities.
Get involved via

You can also find many of the aid organizations on our platform and can easily get in touch with them via our website. You can also see exactly what support is needed in the project descriptions and search for projects in your area.

Thank you for your donation and your help for the people affected by the flooding!

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