In-kind donation request

Plants, Flower Seeds, Seed Bombs, Potting Soil

Albert-Kuntz-Str. 63, 12627 Berlin

Information about the request


We want to make our accommodation even greener. For this we need plants, shrubs, flower seeds and potting soil for our raised beds and flower beds. Whether seed bombs, pre-grown vegetable plants or ficus that have grown too big (for our consultation rooms).


Non-profit organisation

Gemeinschaftsunterkunft Albert-Kuntz-Strasse - milaa gGmbH

Still required


Mode of transport

By mail/parcel service (postage paid by donor)
We can pick up the donation
A volunteer will drop off the donation

You have a matching offer for this donation request? Great! Simply get in touch with the organisation to let them know what you can contribute and how much of it!

Contact NPO

About the Non-Profit Organisation

Gemeinschaftsunterkunft Albert-Kuntz-Strasse - milaa gGmbH

We are a shared accommodation for refugees in Hellersdorf. We currently have 385 people living with us. 155 of them are children and young people from 0 to 17 years. Our team supports the people in their arrival in Germany. Milaa gGmbH is a provider that is active throughout Berlin with various offers in the areas of youth welfare, work with the homeless and refugees. We are a recognised youth welfare organisation and a member of the Diakonisches Werk Berlin-Brandenburg-schlesische Oberlausitz.e.V.. We are a subsidiary of the Evangelische Diakonieverein Berlin-Zehlendorf e.V..

More about the organisation