Gemeinschaftsunterkunft Albert-Kuntz-Strasse - milaa gGmbH
We are a shared accommodation for refugees in Hellersdorf. We currently have 385 people living with us. 155 of them are children and young people from 0 to 17 years. Our team supports the people in their arrival in Germany. Milaa gGmbH is a provider that is active throughout Berlin with various offers in the areas of youth welfare, work with the homeless and refugees. We are a recognised youth welfare organisation and a member of the Diakonisches Werk Berlin-Brandenburg-schlesische Oberlausitz.e.V.. We are a subsidiary of the Evangelische Diakonieverein Berlin-Zehlendorf e.V..

About Gemeinschaftsunterkunft Albert-Kuntz-Strasse - milaa gGmbH
Target group(s)
Paid staff
To provide the people in our shelter with an environment where they can arrive in peace and take care of the needs of their daily lives. Children, adolescents and young adults are particularly important to us. Support in kindergarten and school, in the search for sports clubs or assistance with everyday worries, the search for an internship, etc.
Your support helps
People to settle in Berlin faster, to learn the German language or simply to meet new people. In addition, it makes projects and actions possible that we cannot manage on our own in addition to our normal work as a team!