In-kind donation request
Video projector for events on the topic of burnout and depression
Information about the request
Corona has taught us at Bundesverband Burnout und Depression e.V. to accept online events. We, like others, converted all events from presence to online. This was technically relatively easy and feasible without equipment. We will continue to offer online-only events, but the future format will be hybrid. This way, the advantages of online, e.g., greater reach, can be combined with the advantages of presence, such as personal contact.
Unfortunately, the technical challenges are greater with a hybrid model. We already have an external camera, a mixer, cables, adapters, but what we lack is a beamer so that the participants present in person can see the online participants. Model and brand of the beamer are not important to us.
Non-profit organisation
Still required
Mode of transport
We can pick up the donation
You have a matching offer for this donation request? Great! Simply get in touch with the organisation to let them know what you can contribute and how much of it!
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