In-kind donation request

Food for the open meeting place (children with a migration background)

Rolandstrasse, 19, 30161 Hannover - Vahrenwald-List

Information about the request


For our open meeting place, we always need food for the hot lunch that we prepare freshly for children every day.

We are happy to accept vegetables, fruit, pasta, baked goods, sauces and much more.

Non-profit organisation

Märchenkoffer e.V.

Still required


Mode of transport

A volunteer will drop off the donation

You have a matching offer for this donation request? Great! Simply get in touch with the organisation to let them know what you can contribute and how much of it!

Contact NPO

About the Non-Profit Organisation

Märchenkoffer e.V.

The main purpose of the association is to promote the social integration of children and young people with a migrant background and to support the child's complete bilingual development

More about the organisation