Wege aus der Einsamkeit e.V.

One of our points is to give old age a positive image, to offer modern, free formats of encounters for people 65+ poor or rich, with or without limitations. The topic of digitalisation plays a special role for us, as our world is becoming more and more digital, and at an ever faster pace. That is why for 8 years we have been offering our free project "Wir versilbern das Netz. Das 1x1 der Tablets/Smartphones für Menschen 65+" analogue as well as digital.

About Wege aus der Einsamkeit e.V.

Target group(s)

People 65+ who want to learn new things or be active in community.

Founding year


Paid staff





We are financed exclusively by donations from private individuals or companies.


Wege aus der Einsamkeit e.V. (Ways out of Loneliness), an association that has been all about old age since 2007.

For 8 years we have seen the great challenge of taking people 65+ with us into the increasingly digital world. Digital education often stops with people 65+. Demands of free wifi and technical devices for people 65+ in old people's homes or in their own 4 walls, if the financial means are not enough, are hardly made.

The overriding goal of Wege aus der Einsamkeit e. V. (WadE) is that both old and young people in Germany can look forward to a long life and have the opportunity to shape their lives in a permanently self-determined way. Images of old age are changing - but not fast enough. Social images are lagging behind biological developments. Instead of rigid thinking in the categories of old and young, the attitude to life of each individual must come to the fore.

In the first few years, the focus was primarily on analogue activities in which we offered opportunities to meet people. Participation was and is always free of charge, so that people who are poor in age are also in the middle of things and not left out.

Then 8 years ago we started our project: "Kostenfreie Gesprächsrunden. Wir versilbern das Netz. Das 1x1 der Tablets/Smartphones für Menschen 65+" and were surprised ourselves about the huge demand. By March 2020, we had welcomed more than 7,000 people aged 65 to 94 to our rounds in Hamburg, Berlin and Munich in analogue form and dared to take their first digital steps together and successfully. Since Corona, we have offered a lot of things digitally, from sitting yoga to readings, game rounds, information, music and trainings, and very many seniors have dared to take the step with us.

Since March 2020 we train digitally on Wednesdays and Fridays the 1x1 of tablets/smartphones for people 65+. Between 50 and 70 guests from all over Germany are taking part.

In August 2021, we want to start analog again with our "Versilberer Runden".

Your support helps

Helping people 65+ explore the digital world, encouraging them to learn how to use their smartphone/tablet and having fun doing it.

Our volunteering opportunities on vostel.de