The dare2care initiative is the first point of contact for psychological youth education in Germany: Our vision is a society in which every person is valued and supported in his or her uniqueness without stigmatisation, and
we empower young people to develop an empathic and self-determined personality. We support them in their sense of social responsibility and help them to deal with mental challenges.
Therefore dare2care offers psychological workshops for young people. Volunteer psychology students teach school classes the basics of mental health and social responsibility. Our content is scientifically based and adapted to young people. As "experts at eye level", we create a protected space in which people can talk freely about personal thoughts and encourage each other.

About Dare2Care
Target group(s)
Pupils: Strong personalities form a strong democracy!
Founding year
Our goals
The young people have more courage and motivation to work for a socially strong society. These can be actions, such as defending a friend or voluntary work.
The young people feel encouraged to question group norms and their authority figures (whether YouTube stars, politicians or parents). They are committed to issues that are important for their generation - even if they encounter headwinds!
The young people understand that it is normal to be sad or angry at times. They support each other in difficult times. They no longer see psychological stress as a taboo subject that only affects "weak" or "crazy" people. They know where they can get help and how they can support their friends.