Personal consultation about getting involved at youngcaritas
youngcaritas Berlin
- Disabled People
- Families
- Homeless People
- Kids & Teenagers
- Migrants & Refugees
- Seniors
- Women
- Animal Welfare
- Arts, Music & Culture
- Climate & Nature Protection
- Democracy & Human Rights
- Design
- Education & Language Support
- Equal Opportunities
- Hands-on Activities
- Health Promotion
- IT
- Mentoring, Sponsoring & Career Coaching
- Organisation & Administration
- PR & Communication
- Photography & Video
- Poverty Reduction
- Sports & Leisure Activities
- Zero Waste
About the volunteering opportunity
You would like to volunteer and are not sure which location suits you? We will be happy to advise you online by mail or video conference, by phone or in our project store "caridoo".
We will introduce you, for example, to the various projects of youngcaritas Berlin in which you can get involved. For example, the upcycling project *forget-me-nots* or the intercultural project "Kulturbuddys". Even if you have an idea that you would like to implement (such as on- and offline events on sustainable and social issues), we are happy to advise and support you.
The opportunities for involvement are many! You can also volunteer, for example, in daycare centers, youth clubs, children's homes, facilities for people with disabilities, in the work with homeless people, intercultural work and many other facilities of Caritas and our cooperation partners. We look together what could fit you and make you concrete project proposals for your voluntary commitment!
The opportunities for involvement are many! You can also volunteer, for example, in daycare centers, youth clubs, children's homes, facilities for people with disabilities, in the work with homeless people, intercultural work and many other facilities of Caritas and our cooperation partners. We look together what could fit you and make you concrete project proposals for your voluntary commitment!
Open office hours on Thursday or by appointment:
- Every Thursday between 2 and 5 pm you can come to our project store caridoo in Pappelallee 62 in 10437 Berlin and get advice directly or we arrange a appointment for a telephone or online consultation.
Contact us via vostel.de, by mail or by phone: l.ackermann@caritas-berlin.de or 030 - 66633-1209
Your Tasks
Your tasks depend on the respective volunteering.
What's needed
For this volunteering opportunity, intermediate German skills are required.
You should be open, willing to get involved and enjoy dealing with people.
Most of our projects in which you can get involved are in German. This means that you not only have to understand German, but also be able to speak it in order to communicate with people. Even if your German isn't that good yet, we will surely find something suitable for you. How about the "Kulturbuddys", for example?
Time required
youngcaritas Berlin

The youngcaritas Berlin belongs to the Caritasverband für das Erzbistum Berlin e.V. and promotes young people's commitment. Our goal is to introduce young people to politically and socially "explosive" topics and to teach them a more attentive and conscious use of environmental resources, both through theoretical input and through practical implementation. The goal of youngcaritas Berlin is to win as many young people as possible for voluntary work, be it for the youngcaritas projects "Kulturbuddys", *vergissmeinnicht* or through counselling and placement in various institutions and projects.