Accompaniment of German conversations for adults with newcomer background

IG - InitiativGruppe Interkulturelle Begegnung und Bildung e.V.

Maxvorstadt, München, Bayern
German native speaker
Discussed individually
  • Migrants & Refugees
  • Education & Language Support

About the volunteering opportunity

Adults from different backgrounds want to improve their German. The group meets regularly in the rooms of the InitiativGruppe in Munich to practice German together under the guidance of volunteers.

Your Tasks

At regular meetings, you practise using your existing language skills with the adults.

What's needed

Volunteers must be native German speakers.
You should  
- bring along openness and empathy  
- enjoy working with people
- bring along patience - because success usually doesn't happen overnight :)
- have about 2-3 hours per week

We conduct a personal first interview with all volunteers. Before you start your work, we also need an extended police clearance certificate. During the whole time you will have a contact person to whom you can turn with all your questions about support. We also offer free further training courses. For an annual assignment of 50 hours or more, you will receive an expense allowance of 125 euros and for 100 hours or more, 250 euros. We will also be happy to  provide you with a confirmation of your activity if you have been active with us for at least 3 months :)

Time required

Discussed individually
During the day, at night
 ca. 2-3 Stunden pro Woche 


IG - InitiativGruppe Interkulturelle Begegnung und Bildung e.V.

The IG was founded in 1971 by committed Munich citizens to help people with a newcomer background to have equal opportunities at school and at work. The project "Civic Engagement for Integration" arranges for volunteers to help children, young people and adults with difficulties at school and in training, to help them learn German and to help them integrate into working life. The support takes place in individual or group care and is carried out at home with the families or in the various IG projects.

More about the organisation
Maxvorstadt, München, Bayern
German native speaker
Discussed individually
Maxvorstadt, München, Bayern
German native speaker
Discussed individually