Support for families after birth

wellcome - Praktische Hilfe nach der Geburt

Eidelstedt, Eimsbüttel, Hamburg, Hamburg
Medium German skills
Approx. 2 h per week
Direct contact
  • Families
  • Kids & Teenagers
  • Health Promotion

About the volunteering opportunity

The first months after the birth of a child are a big task for all parents. With the offer wellcome - practical help after birth, we support parents who want relief during this time, especially when other helping hands are missing. Our volunteers accompany families in a practical and uncomplicated way.

Your Tasks

Give young parents a good start in family life. As a wellcome volunteer, you will provide concrete help: a walk with the baby, playing with the sibling or accompanying the mother or father to the pediatrician. And you can do this flexibly: you meet the family once or twice a week for 2-3 hours for 3-4 months. Then the next family is already looking forward to it. A special qualification is not necessary, because you will be well accompanied by your team coordination.

What's needed

For this volunteering opportunity, intermediate German skills are required.
  • Pleasure in dealing with babies
  • Empathy
  • Tolerance
  • Openness
  • Reliability
  • Discretion

Time required

Approx. 2 hours per week.
On weekdays, during the day

Meetings between volunteers and families usually take place 1-2x a week for 1-2 hours each. The appointment is set between volunteers and families.

Important notice

We offer:

  • A commitment that you can organize flexibly
  • A wellcome team coordination, which accompanies the assignments professionally and in which you have a reliable contact person at your side
  • Regular meetings and exchange with other volunteers from the team
  • Further training and qualification around the topic of family and baby - you are of course insured and your travel expenses are reimbursed


wellcome - Praktische Hilfe nach der Geburt

wellcome - practical help after birth is an offer of the wellcome gGmbH. Since 2002, volunteers have been supporting families, now at around 230 locations in Germany, Austria and Switzerland.

As a wellcome volunteer, you give mothers and fathers small breaks in their everyday lives. In this way, parents can regain their strength so that they don't lose sight of the most important thing - the joy of their child - when they are so tired and hectic!

More about the organisation
Eidelstedt, Eimsbüttel, Hamburg, Hamburg
Medium German skills
Approx. 2 h per week
Direct contact
Eidelstedt, Eimsbüttel, Hamburg, Hamburg
Medium German skills
Approx. 2 h per week
Direct contact