Visit a gentleman - recreational support for people with intellectual disabilities
Stiftung Unionhilfswerk Berlin - Team die freiwilligen im Unionhilfswerk
- Disabled People
- Arts, Music & Culture
- Mentoring, Sponsoring & Career Coaching
- Sports & Leisure Activities
About the volunteering opportunity
Our flat share in Kreuzberg is looking for a committed leisure partner for the 26-year-old, fun-loving gentleman. He would like someone to do things together at the weekend, such as going to concerts, talking, playing pool, going to cafés, shisha bars, laptop activities, French conversation, exploring the city and going on excursions.
He is interested in a variety of topics and enjoys spending time away from home. His interests range from cultural events to relaxed meetings in cafés or bars.
Thank you in advance for your valuable commitment!
Your Tasks
- Regular meetings at weekends (Saturday and Sunday).
- Participation in activities (concerts, talks, pool games, café and shisha bar)
What's needed
For this volunteering opportunity, advanced German skills are required.
- Sensitivity and empathy in dealing with people with disabilities.
- Communication skills and the ability to have an open conversation.
- Willingness to meet regularly at the weekend.
- A respectful and open appearance.
- Be aware that epileptic seizures may occur in rare cases.
Time required
Important notice
You will be trained on site by our colleagues to ensure that you are familiar with the needs and special features.
Helpful, but not a requirement:
- Possession of a first aider or first aid course
Stiftung Unionhilfswerk Berlin - Team die freiwilligen im Unionhilfswerk

Since 1946, the UNIONHILFSWERK has been providing social aid out of Christian responsibility. To this day, we remain committed to those who depend on care and support. Our commitment is shaped by our mission statement "to create an individual quality of life" in order to help people to help themselves. Originating from 70 years of civic involvement, voluntary involvement continues to be a fundamental pillar of our commitment to others. As an alliance of the corporate foundation, association, six non-profit organisations and support foundation, UNIONHILFSWERK offers a wide range of possible applications and a commitment-friendly framework.