Digital consultation hours at the Anna Seghers Library - volunteers wanted!

Sonay soziales Leben e.V.

Bezirk Lichtenberg, 13051 Berlin, Berlin
Advanced German skills
Approx. 1 h per week
Direct contact
  • Seniors
  • Equal Opportunities
  • IT

About the volunteering opportunity

Our "Digital consultation hour for seniors" takes place once a week on Thursdays from 4:00 to 5:00 pm in the Anna Seghers Library. This opportunity offers senior citizens the chance to ask questions about digital topics, whether it's about smartphones, tablets, social media or internet applications.

We are looking for volunteers to support us. With even more volunteers, we can respond to digital problems even more individually.

We would be delighted to welcome new members to our volunteer team!

If you are interested, please send us a message here on at or call 0155 664 435 10.

Your Tasks

Advice for senior citizens on digital issues
e.g. How do I use GoogleMaps? How do I change my profile picture on WhatsApp? How do I use PayPal?

What's needed

For this volunteering opportunity, advanced German skills are required.
  • Basic understanding of digital topics/devices
  • Friendliness and openness
  • Reliability

Time required

Approx. 1 hour per week.
On weekdays, during the day
from 11.04. every Thursday from 16:oo to 17:00


Sonay soziales Leben e.V.

Sonay means as much as: The point where end and beginning meet. This means that we initiate projects in which young people and senior citizens meet, exchange ideas and enrich each other.

More about the organisation
Bezirk Lichtenberg, 13051 Berlin, Berlin
Advanced German skills
Approx. 1 h per week
Direct contact
Bezirk Lichtenberg, 13051 Berlin, Berlin
Advanced German skills
Approx. 1 h per week
Direct contact