Volunteer trainer wanted for the Ukraine Arrival Center Tegel!

Johanniter-Unfall-Hilfe e.V., Regionalverband Berlin

Berlin, Berlin
Basic German skills
Discussed individually
  • Disabled People
  • Migrants & Refugees
  • Sports & Leisure Activities
  • Ukraine-Aid

About the volunteering opportunity

We are looking for interested people with a coaching qualification who would enjoy offering regular sports courses in the UA-TXL sports halls.

Your Tasks

No matter what sport you teach - we look forward to your expertise and commitment!

What's needed

For this volunteering opportunity, basic German skills are required.
What you should bring:

  • A valid coaching qualification in the sport of your choice
  • Enjoy teaching and working with people
  • Commitment and reliability

Time required

Discussed individually

Important notice

What we offer:

  • Support with language barriers, if required
  • A motivated community that looks forward to your classes

Have we piqued your interest? Then get in touch with us and become part of our team!

Contact us at Ehrenamt.UA-TXL@Johanniter.de or here on vostel.de


Johanniter-Unfall-Hilfe e.V., Regionalverband Berlin

Voluntary commitment has a long tradition at Johanniter. We welcome anyone who wants to contribute to the common good on a voluntary basis. There is no age limit, as long as the volunteers can deal with the tasks they want to do.

More about the organisation
Berlin, Berlin
Basic German skills
Discussed individually
Berlin, Berlin
Basic German skills
Discussed individually