Johanniter-Unfall-Hilfe e.V., Regionalverband Berlin

Voluntary commitment has a long tradition at Johanniter. We welcome anyone who wants to contribute to the common good on a voluntary basis. There is no age limit, as long as the volunteers can deal with the tasks they want to do.

About Johanniter-Unfall-Hilfe e.V., Regionalverband Berlin

Target group(s)

We have a wide range of voluntary activities:

--disaster and civil protection

--Telecommunication service, motorcycle squadron, rescue dog squadron

--hospice and family support service / children's hospice service

--Education, medical service --Psychosocial emergency care

--homeless aid and team ambulance

--Refugee assistance and integration, family centre

--Johanniter youth, school ambulance service

--Realistic accident presentation, Mov(i)e

--Care group for people with disabilities, care services for senior citizens, care for senior citizens in the service housing, mobility assistance service

Our volunteering opportunities on

Johanniter-Unfall-Hilfe e.V., Regionalverband Berlin

Berner Straße 2-3
12205 Berlin