Help with debtor and insolvency counseling

Johanniter-Unfall-Hilfe e.V., Regionalverband Berlin

Berlin, Berlin
Advanced German skills
Discussed individually
  • Disabled People
  • Migrants & Refugees
  • Ukraine-Aid

About the volunteering opportunity

The aim of the project is to support refugees in financially challenging situations and break down barriers to existing support services - such as debtor and insolvency advice.

Your Tasks

But what exactly does that mean? 
  1. Information events are held at the facilities, which cover topics such as: Cell phone contracts, social media gambling, insurance, etc. The aim here is to provide information. If necessary, the events are held with language mediators.
  2. There are 1:1 counseling sessions. The first step is to get an overview: What debts are there and where? How much is the total amount owed? Which reminder belongs to which creditor? The focus is therefore more on sorting and assigning documents. If it becomes clear that professional help - e.g. debtor and insolvency advice - is needed, an appointment can then be made.

What's needed

For this volunteering opportunity, advanced German skills are required.
Previous experience in this field and language skills in other languages don't hurt, of course. But what you really need is to enjoy working with the target group. It's more about translating for people who are still unfamiliar with the German love of bureaucracy. So you need patience and a bit of an overview. 
We also offer thematic training courses for volunteers who want to feel more confident in the topic and in their work with the target group.

Time required

Discussed individually
On weekdays, on weekends


Johanniter-Unfall-Hilfe e.V., Regionalverband Berlin

Voluntary commitment has a long tradition at Johanniter. We welcome anyone who wants to contribute to the common good on a voluntary basis. There is no age limit, as long as the volunteers can deal with the tasks they want to do.

More about the organisation
Berlin, Berlin
Advanced German skills
Discussed individually
Berlin, Berlin
Advanced German skills
Discussed individually