Deutsches Youth For Understanding Komitee e.V. (YFU)
Together with YFU organizations in our approximately 50 partner countries, our association is committed to intercultural education, democracy education and the assumption of social responsibility by offering young people the opportunity to experience another culture as a member of a host family or as an exchange student* and to gain new perspectives. Every year, YFU sends up to 1,000 German students abroad and hosts around 500 young people from other countries in Germany.

About Deutsches Youth For Understanding Komitee e.V. (YFU)
Target group(s)
Open-minded people with a lot of interest in other cultures and countries belong to our target group. Prerequisite is a sense of responsibility and adaptability. The age groups vary, depending on whether you apply as an exchange student (15-18 years), host family or volunteer (from 16 years).
Founding year
Paid staff
Main income are cost contributions of the exchange students in the sending and receiving program.
Furthermore, the association generates income from the Parliamentary Sponsorship Program (PPP) of the German Bundestag and the U.S. Congress, various corporate cooperations as well as from grants from various foundations and donations.
The world is your home.
YFU promotes intercultural understanding,
lifelong learning, global competencies,
mutual respect and social responsibility
through transformative educational exchanges for generations of youth, families and schools,
supported by dedicated volunteers and staff.
Generations of responsible global citizens for a more peaceful and sustainable world.
Your support helps
Your cooperation supports the positive exchange experience of many exchange students and host families. In addition, you support intercultural understanding and the pursuit of a peaceful and colorful world without discrimination and xenophobia.