Ukraine Support Berlin | 5 projects you can volunteer for now
The capital is currently a central contact point for refugees from Ukraine. The work of volunteers is particularly important at the moment, especially in coordination, translations and support. In this article, we introduce you to 5 projects of Ukraine Support in Berlin that you can volunteer for right away. The people arriving are very happy about your support.
On you find many more projects you can volunteer for in the Ukraine Support in Berlin.

1 I Support the reception in the Union Hilfswerk refugee shelter in Friedrichshain
In cooperation with the Berlin Senate Department and the Berlin City Mission, the Stiftung Union Hilfswerk has set up accommodation for refugees from Ukraine in Berlin-Friedrichshain at short notice.
Volunteers are needed at their info point and reception to take care of new refugees and provide them with all the necessary information. Russian or Ukrainian language skills and experience in dealing with authorities would be an advantage. You can sign up daily for a 2-3 hour shift between 08:00 and 22:00.

2 I Support refugees as a language mediator for Russian, Ukrainian or Somali
Almost 100 people live in the shared accommodation run by youngcaritas Berlin in Wedding: Families and individuals from different countries. As not all residents have German language skills, language mediators are urgently needed to support with translations during counselling about once a week. At the moment, the languages Russian, Ukrainian and Somali are in particular demand. If you speak one of these languages, the team is already looking forward to your support!

3 I Support an open café for refugee women and children from Ukraine
The Living Neighbourhood (LeNa) project is planning an open café in the Friedenau Neighbourhood House. In the café, refugee women and children from Ukraine will be able to exchange thoughts and find a safe place here every Thursday from 10-12. We are still looking for helping hands and heads who would like to welcome the people and advise them. We are especially looking for people who can translate Russian and/or Ukrainian.

4 I Become a companion for a refugee from Ukraine
With its project Yadan Biad (= Hand in Hand in Arabic), the DRK Kreisverband Schöneberg-Wilmersdorf e.V. wants to win over people from the neighbourhood to accompany refugees on their different paths into our society. Especially now, in view of the war in Ukraine, voluntary commitment is more necessary than ever.
As a companion, you support people in very different areas, depending on what is needed and what you feel comfortable with (introducing the neighbourhood, joint sports and leisure activities, visits to the authorities, etc.). The DRK team will look after you the whole time and will also help you with difficult questions.

5 I Unterstütze als (psycho-)soziale*r Berater*in die Erstaufnahme im Flughafen Tegel
As part of the (initial) care and registration of refugees from Ukraine, a new large arrival centre is being built at the former Tegel TXL airport. Johanniter-Unfallhilfe e.V. is taking over the (psycho)social care of the arrivals, some of whom are traumatised.
On site, they mainly need support in welcoming the newcomers and taking care of them individually – this can be listening to them, helping them with questions about the location, etc. Ideally, you already have some experience in the psychosocial field (through studies, training or your profession). Language skills in Russian and/or Ukrainian would be particularly needed.
Of course, there are many other projects of Ukraine Support Berlin which you can volunteer for. You can find all the opportunities to get involved at

Your team wishes you every success in your volunteer work for Ukraine Support Berlin!

Dear Sir/Madam
I would like to do volunteer work for children in ukrain. I am student in Dresden, Germany. Could you guide me how can I do volunteer work?
Hi Golrokh,
thank you for interest in getting involved for people from Ukraine! For supporting people (and children) who are still in Ukraine, you might want to consider a donation to a pan-european organisation such as
For supporting people (and children) in Dresden we unfortunately do not have volunteering opportunities on our page at the moment. However, you might want to check out this page to see projects you can get involved in:
Best regards,
Hello , I am 27 years old , from Georgia , I know English at C1 level, Russian B2 level and German A1-A2 (case is that I am in a process of studying German) . If u have any volunteering programs which starts at September, could you inform me? i know my German isn’t to the extent where it would be easy for me to communicate yet but if English is priority for you , indeed I would be glad . Just let me know if I am a suitable candidate for you.
Hi Liana, thank you for your interest in volunteering. There are several volunteering opportunities on our website that require only little German skills, you can find them here. We hope you can find something suitable for yourself!
Sebastian & your team