Used cell phones & headphones wanted - connection instead of isolation

In-kind donation request

Gustav-Freytag-Straße 1, 10827 Berlin

Information about the request


For many homeless people, a working cell phone is the only way to stay in contact with support services or family/friends. Unfortunately, we lack cell phones and headphones - things that often lie unused in drawers.

Do you have an old, functioning cell phone or headphones to spare? Then donate them to the Homeless Day Center Schöneberg!

📍 Drop-off: Tue-Sun, 11:30-17:00
📦 Shipping possible (postage paid by the donor)
👤 Contact: Nadine Simon-Wrobel

Every donation gives a piece of connection - thank you for participating!

Non-profit organisation

Stiftung Unionhilfswerk Berlin - Team die freiwilligen im Unionhilfswerk

Still required


Mode of transport

By mail/parcel service (postage paid by donor)
A volunteer will drop off the donation

You have a matching offer for this donation request? Great! Simply get in touch with the organisation to let them know what you can contribute and how much of it!

Contact NPO

About the Non-Profit Organisation

Stiftung Unionhilfswerk Berlin - Team die freiwilligen im Unionhilfswerk

Since 1946, the UNIONHILFSWERK has been providing social aid out of Christian responsibility. To this day, we remain committed to those who depend on care and support. Our commitment is shaped by our mission statement "to create an individual quality of life" in order to help people to help themselves. Originating from 70 years of civic involvement, voluntary involvement continues to be a fundamental pillar of our commitment to others. As an alliance of the corporate foundation, association, six non-profit organisations and support foundation, UNIONHILFSWERK offers a wide range of possible applications and a commitment-friendly framework.

More about the organisation