Remaining medals for homeless and addicted people
In-kind donation request
Information about the request
Are there clubs or event organizers who have a lot of residual medals? They can all be different and already labeled. In the spirit of recycling, we then stick our stickers on the medal and reuse them.
Leftover trophies are also welcome!
Delivery in Berlin:
1) Zentrum am Zoo (Berlin City Mission)
Hardenbergpl. 13
10623 Berlin
2) Social Inclusion Berlin e.V.
Lahnstr. 86 a
12055 Berlin
Non-profit organisation
Still required
Mode of transport
By mail/parcel service (postage paid by us)
A volunteer will drop off the donation
You have a matching offer for this donation request? Great! Simply get in touch with the organisation to let them know what you can contribute and how much of it!
Contact NPOAbout the Non-Profit Organisation
Social Inclusion Berlin e.V.
The association Social Inclusion Berlin was founded by seven Berlin housing emergency and inclusion support organizations. The purpose of the association is the promotion of social inclusion and the support of people who experience and suffer social exclusion and disadvantage in everyday life. The participation of disadvantaged groups is to be promoted in particular through sports, cultural and educational events.