Digging equipment and scooters/running bikes for children
In-kind donation request
Dingolfingerstr. 3-5,
12683 Berlin
Information about the request
We are an initial reception center for refugees with many families and children. We would be very happy to receive donations of children's toys and bicycles, especially now in spring when the children are outside a lot again.
Non-profit organisation
DRK Müggelspree Nothilfe
Still required
Mode of transport
We can pick up the donation
A volunteer will drop off the donation
A volunteer will drop off the donation
You have a matching offer for this donation request? Great! Simply get in touch with the organisation to let them know what you can contribute and how much of it!
Contact NPOAbout the Non-Profit Organisation
DRK Müggelspree Nothilfe
Initial reception facility for refugees in Marzahn