Food donation for our sick ponies Winnetou and Marcelino
In-kind donation request
Höchster Weg 70,
60529 Frankfurt
Information about the request
We're very worried about Marcelino and Winnetou at the moment: they are ill and even our vet is at a loss. The two of them are eating their food aplenty and are still losing weight. We would like to ask you to donate food to get them back on track: Hay cobs, carrots, bananas, apples, meadow cobs, malt beer, naturally cloudy apple juice with no added sugar or mash are more than welcome!
Non-profit organisation
Reiter- und Lernbauernhof Ponyzwerge Sindlingen e.V.
Still required
Mode of transport
We can pick up the donation
A volunteer will drop off the donation
A volunteer will drop off the donation
You have a matching offer for this donation request? Great! Simply get in touch with the organisation to let them know what you can contribute and how much of it!
Contact NPOAbout the Non-Profit Organisation
Reiter- und Lernbauernhof Ponyzwerge Sindlingen e.V.
The Ponyzwerge is a non-profit, purely voluntary and passionately run small, colorful association with a pony riding school for children from 4 years up to teenage age. However, we are not a traditional riding school - we do not offer pony riding. The ponies are not objects of utility for us, but rather, and this is what we teach the children, intelligent and sensitive creatures that have their own needs - each of them different, just like the children themselves. Nobody has to be perfect with us. Not the children, and not the ponies either. We create a lively, happy, non-judgmental and inclusive environment for the children, where they can simply be children.