Stadt Ingolstadt - Stabsstelle Nachhaltigkeit
the City of Ingolstadt's sustainability agenda is clearly structured: The Sustainability Unit coordinates the agenda processes and ensures that the strategy is implemented. As part of the city administration's directorate, it reports directly to the head of the administration. With its agenda, the city is committed to a sustainable future in the region. Initiatives such as the circular cabinet promote resource conservation, conscious consumption and a sense of community. Every individual can contribute to reducing waste and strengthening local sustainability.
About Stadt Ingolstadt - Stabsstelle Nachhaltigkeit
Target group(s)
The sustainability agenda is a joint project that thrives on the participation of everyone: citizens, non-profit initiatives, environmental organizations, experts from administration, business and science
Founding year
Paid staff
The Sustainability Unit is financed by the municipal budget. Additional federal and state funding is acquired for projects.
As part of the dialog process of the Ingolstadt Sustainability Agenda, visions for an "Ingolstadt 2045" have been developed together with the entire urban society. The goals set are divided into the five fields of action (economy, environment, life, education and diversity) and are based on the SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals). Together with the urban community, we want to implement charitable projects that promote the sustainability goals.
Your support helps
The Ingolstadt sustainability agenda