Jumpers-Jugend mit Perspektive gGmbH
Jumpers-Jugend mit Perspektive is a Christian social children's charity that supports children and families from socially disadvantaged backgrounds throughout Germany by providing healthy food, tutoring, reading and language support, workshops in sport, music and creativity, as well as camps and vacation games.

About Jumpers-Jugend mit Perspektive gGmbH
Target group(s)
Children and young people (0-18 years), parents - over 80% from migrant and refugee backgrounds
Founding year
Paid staff
60% foundations & social lotteries; 20% companies, 20% individual donations etc.
Improvement of educational and professional prospects, strengthening self-esteem and self-confidence; promotion of health and exercise, discovery and promotion of abilities and strengths; appreciation for every child; reliability in all processes, networking with other partners
Your support helps
... Children and families from socially disadvantaged backgrounds to improve their educational, professional and personal prospects.