SkF Patenschaften für Kinder psychisch erkrankter Eltern

Parents with a mental illness also only want the best for their children. In stable times, they manage to do this, but in acute phases of illness, they are often unable to keep an eye on their children's needs and provide them with adequate care.
Children whose parents are mentally ill are in particular need of a stabilizing social network. To relieve themselves. To be able to be a child.

About SkF Patenschaften für Kinder psychisch erkrankter Eltern

Target group(s)

  • Children
  • Families with small children
  • Families in stressful life situations
  • Single parents
  • People with mental illness

Founding year


Paid staff





The project is funded by the Munich Youth Welfare Office.


As a women's professional association, the SkF is primarily concerned with helping women to help themselves, i.e. women should be strengthened and supported so that they can manage their lives and possible crises independently in the future.
All facilities and specialist services provide advice and support regardless of denomination and nationality.
Traditionally, volunteers and full-time staff work together as partners. SkF Munich currently employs around 270 volunteers and around 400 full-time employees in over 30 different specialist services, facilities, measures and projects.
The focus is on child and youth welfare, pregnancy counseling, mother-child homes, assistance for the homeless and offenders.

Your support helps

by giving a child lightness and stability.

Our volunteering opportunities on