Schutzbund der Senioren und Vorruheständler Thüringen e.V. - Ehrenamtszentrale
The volunteer center is located under the umbrella of the SBSV e.V.. It works independently and is a contact point for citizens of all age groups, clubs and organizations for the coordination of volunteering. The structural unit "Ehrenamtszentrale" informs and advises people who are interested in volunteering as well as organizations and associations in Erfurt on the subject of volunteering.
We mediate between people who want to get involved and organizations looking for volunteers - we provide information, advice and networking.
We mediate between people who want to get involved and organizations looking for volunteers - we provide information, advice and networking.

About Schutzbund der Senioren und Vorruheständler Thüringen e.V. - Ehrenamtszentrale
Target group(s)
- Senior citizens
- All age groups who are looking for a voluntary activity
- Welfare-oriented organizations
Founding year