
The Franziskustreff offers homeless and poor people in the city center of Frankfurt am Main breakfast, social counseling and neurological care. Capuchin Brother Michael Wies runs the meeting place, which was founded in 1992 by Brother Wendelin Gerigk.

About Franziskustreff-Stiftung

Target group(s)

Homeless and poor people in Frankfurt/Main.

Founding year





The Franziskustreff Foundation is financed purely from donations.


Bread and dignity: served at the table.

Anyone who takes a seat with us is served personally - Monday to Saturday and on Christian holidays from 7:45 am to 11:15 am. We serve up to 180 guests freshly brewed coffee or tea for breakfast. And, depending on the preference, a plate of sausage, cheese or, completely vegan, fresh vegetables to go with the bread, home-made jam and chocolate fudge. Just like in a café. Like in a better life. Every working day of the week. Packing food for later on is also allowed. Including a nut croissant. Or similar tasty extras. Our guests give their contribution as a matter of course: fifty cents. And this hospitable start to the day encourages some to talk to the social counseling service. Because this is also part of the meeting place: for a step forward back into society.

In addition to breakfast and social counseling, the Franziskustreff now also offers mental health care to homeless, mentally ill people. They can find urgently needed help with health problems from Dr. med Eva Fučík. The direct, spatial connection to the Franziskustreff as a reliable point of contact enables particularly low-threshold access to neurological care. For all guests of the Franziskustreff, even those without health insurance cover.

Many of those who come regularly for breakfast, experience the meeting place as a safe haven where they are among familiar people. If necessary, guests are referred directly from the social counseling service to Dr. Fučík's consultation hours. This enables rapid treatment without major hurdles, especially for mentally ill people living on the street.

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