ViNN:Lab – Makerspace der TH Wildau
The ViNN:Lab is the creative laboratory at the Technical University of Applied Sciences Wildau about 30 minutes south of Berlin.
As part of the worldwide Fab Lab movement, the VINN:Lab sees itself as a fabrication laboratory that is open to everyone regardless of experience, training or level of knowledge. Whether you want to learn how to use a CNC milling machine, a 3D printer, a basic course in laser cutting or stencil screen printing - the VINN:Lab is the place to learn.

About ViNN:Lab – Makerspace der TH Wildau
Target group(s)
Founding year
Paid staff
Öffentliche Zuschüsse.
Moderne Hilfmittel wie Lasercutter, 3D-Drucker oder 3D-Scanner der Bevölkerung zur Nutzung zugäglich machen. Zu unseren Öffnungszeiten wie auch in Schüler*innen-Workshops.
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Spannende Ideen entwickeln und umsetzen. Projekte verwirklichen.