Zero Waste Köln e.V.
Together for a waste-free Cologne!
With actions, educational work, campaigns and political demands we stand up for waste reduction and resource conservation.
Zero Waste Cologne is the network for all those who share these goals and want to become active themselves.

About Zero Waste Köln e.V.
Target group(s)
Anyone who wants to make Cologne a garbage-free and waste-free city :)
Founding year
As a non-profit association, we are financed by membership fees, donations and grants/project funds. The money goes back into the financing of further projects of the association.
We strive for Cologne to commit to being a "Zero Waste City".
This includes, for example, the reduction to less than 75kg of residual waste per inhabitant per year - as of 2016 we are at ~235kg. You can read more concrete steps on our website.
Your support helps
the path to a more sustainable, collaborative and social city. Currently, there are barriers to entry to behave sustainably, we would like to tear down these hurdles and bring the freedom of waste into the structure of the city. Very much in partnership with you! :)