Construction/dismantling of mobile amphibian protection fences

NABU Kreisverband Gifhorn e.V.

38518 Gifhorn, Niedersachsen
Advanced German skills
Direct contact
  • Animal Welfare
  • Climate & Nature Protection
  • Hands-on Activities

About the volunteering opportunity

Every year, mobile fences have to be erected along defined stretches of road in the run-up to the toad migration. In this way, the amphibians can be saved from probable death on the road. Volunteer collectors regularly help with safe transportation to the spawning waters.
The routes are set up in the district of Gifhorn in Ummern, Calberlah, Warmbüttel and Bokensdorf.

Helping hands are urgently needed for the 2025 season.

Your Tasks

We are looking for work teams of six to ten people to set up the fences with us. As we look after different sections of the route in the district of Gifhorn, we can also split a large group. All you need is practical clothing and work gloves, everything else is provided by us.
When setting up, small slit trenches have to be chopped and holes dug for collection buckets. The fence fabric is dug into the trenches at the bottom and erected on poles.

What's needed

For this volunteering opportunity, advanced German skills are required.
Physical fitness is a prerequisite for certain activities.

Time required

On weekdays, on weekends, during the day
As the amphibians have been migrating to their spawning grounds earlier and earlier in recent years, we would like to erect the fences at the end of January or beginning of February 2025.
We need about 2.5 to 3 hours per route with five to six people.

Important notice

It is not possible for small children to participate, as we work on busy roads.
All helpers should wear high-visibility vests and work on the side facing away from the road if possible.


NABU Kreisverband Gifhorn e.V.

The NABU Kreisverband Gifhorn e.V. deals for over 40 years voluntarily as well as full-time with various topics on practical nature conservation and environmental education. The honorary office is committed here, apart from the executive committee work, also with the practical conversion of development measures in the Leiferder NSG Viehmoor, it worries about the care of some regional "Streuobstwiesen" (orchards) and grassland areas, also topics such as insect, amphibian, reptile and bat protection are regularly on the agenda. Our office is active together with the volunteers in environmental education at schools and kindergartens and our full-time moor protection team has been implementing various renaturation projects in the NSG Großes Moor for years.

More about the organisation
38518 Gifhorn, Niedersachsen
Advanced German skills
Direct contact
38518 Gifhorn, Niedersachsen
Advanced German skills
Direct contact