Write letters for senior citizens at Easter

youngcaritas Berlin

Remote Volunteering
Advanced German skills
Direct contact
  • Seniors
  • 5 Minute Volunteering
  • Hands-on Activities

About the volunteering opportunity

Write again - letters against loneliness
Easter is just around the corner - the perfect opportunity to make an older person happy! 🐣💌 youngcaritas Berlin is collecting 600 letters and cards for senior citizens in care facilities to spread a little Easter cheer.

Get creative & give joy!
Anyone can take part! Whether it's a handwritten letter or a beautiful drawing on a self-designed postcard - everything is welcome. If you don't know what to write, just tell us about your everyday life, send a lovely Easter greeting or write a short poem.

Your Tasks

This is how it works:

1️⃣ Register: Write a short mail to schreibmalwieder@caritas-berlin.de

2️⃣ Get started: Design your letter or card - if you like, share a photo of it with @youngcaritas_Berlin on Instagram.

3️⃣ Off to the post office: Send your card by April 08, 2025 to:
Caritas Association for the Archdiocese of Berlin
 youngcaritas / "Schreib mal wieder" campaign
 Residenzstraße 90
 13409 Berlin

4️⃣ We'll take care of it! Your mail will be forwarded to the retirement homes in time for Easter.

What's needed

For this volunteering opportunity, advanced German skills are required.

Time required



This project is location independent.

youngcaritas Berlin

The youngcaritas Berlin belongs to the Caritasverband für das Erzbistum Berlin e.V. and promotes young people's commitment. Our goal is to introduce young people to politically and socially "explosive" topics and to teach them a more attentive and conscious use of environmental resources, both through theoretical input and through practical implementation. The goal of youngcaritas Berlin is to win as many young people as possible for voluntary work, be it for the youngcaritas projects "Kulturbuddys", *vergissmeinnicht* or through counselling and placement in various institutions and projects.

More about the organisation
Remote Volunteering
Advanced German skills
Direct contact
Remote Volunteering
Advanced German skills
Direct contact